I was thrilled to be a part of an event on 08.01.2020 in Auvergne at Limagrain, for their innovation day around plant-based proteins.
The day was organised with macro-conferences in the morning, followed by the startups forum in the afternoon, which is where Humbly Healthy was introduced to members of Limagrain.
I was able to pitch & speak to participants about Humbly Healthy, what we do, & we evaluated how Humbly Healthy could support Limagrain in its missions of progress, cooperation & perseverance.
I was also grateful to meet other fellow entrepreneurs during the event, such as
Adam Benslimane from Kedelaï, an amazing Tempeh brand
Elise Bourcier from Cetdac, an agro-culinary consulting company.
Thank you again to Limagrain for having me.